Nation’s Largest Police Union Endorses Trump for 2024

In a significant move for the 2024 presidential race, the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), the nation’s largest police union, endorsed Donald Trump for a second term. Representing over 377,000 members, the FOP declared their support for the former president on September 6, citing his strong stance on law enforcement and border security as the key reasons for their backing. The union’s decision underscores Trump’s enduring popularity among police officers and law enforcement groups across the country.

Patrick Yoes, the FOP’s national president, announced the endorsement, emphasizing that there was "zero doubt" within the union regarding who should lead the country for the next four years. Yoes noted that Trump’s policies had consistently aligned with the interests of law enforcement, especially in contrast to what many see as the "defund the police" movement embraced by more progressive politicians​.

During his speech at the FOP’s National Board of Trustees meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina, Trump laid out his vision for addressing crime in America’s cities. He promised a crackdown on violent crime, stricter penalties for illegal immigration, and the restoration of policing methods like stop-and-frisk, which he claims will significantly reduce crime rates. Trump also voiced his commitment to dismantling street gangs and drug cartels, pledging to use federal forces, including the Navy, to combat cartel activities along the U.S.-Mexico border​.

Trump’s focus on law enforcement reform contrasts sharply with the positions of his opponents. Kamala Harris, the Democratic frontrunner, has come under fire from law enforcement groups for her past support of police reform and progressive criminal justice policies. While Harris has a background as a prosecutor, she and her running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, have not received the same level of support from police unions. In fact, Harris’ campaign has been criticized for its lack of engagement with the FOP, as they did not meet with the union prior to the endorsement decision, further alienating law enforcement​.

The FOP’s endorsement process is unique in that it involves all 46 state lodges, allowing members to weigh in on the candidates. According to Yoes, Trump not only met with an FOP committee but also completed a comprehensive questionnaire addressing critical law enforcement issues. In contrast, Harris’ campaign only responded with a general letter outlining their positions. This difference in approach was crucial in the union’s decision to back Trump​.

Trump used the opportunity to frame himself as the "law and order" candidate, a label he has embraced throughout his political career. He highlighted the dangers posed by illegal immigration, rising crime rates, and what he described as the weakening of police forces under Democratic leadership. Trump criticized policies that allow violent criminals to be released without meaningful punishment, stating that this puts law-abiding citizens at risk. He pledged to reverse these trends, saying, "We don’t have to live this way…and when I’m president of the United States, we’re not gonna take it anymore".

The FOP’s endorsement is part of a broader trend within law enforcement unions, which have largely aligned themselves with Trump’s campaign. Other police organizations, such as the International Union of Police Associations and the National Association of Police Organizations, have also endorsed Trump. These endorsements serve to strengthen his platform as the preferred candidate for law enforcement professionals​.

With crime and public safety likely to be key issues in the upcoming election, Trump’s endorsement from the FOP could prove pivotal in mobilizing law enforcement voters and those who prioritize public safety. The FOP’s backing reinforces Trump’s messaging that he is the best candidate to protect America’s cities and communities from rising crime, while also taking a tough stance on illegal immigration and gang violence​.